The Best Way to Clean Gutters
1.Make sure you have a good, sturdy, extendable ladder. Always place the ladder on a sturdy surface (beware of landscaping rocks below which can shift). You can use a ladder stabilizer both for safety and to prevent damage to the gutters. Also, it’s best to have a helper around in case you drop something or need a hand with the ladder.
2.Dress for the job. Wear a long-sleeved shirt, work pants and rubber gloves. Cleaning gutters is a dirty job.
3.To remove the gunk from the gutters , use a small, plastic scoop. Gutter scoops are available at the hardware store, or a child’s sandbox shovel also works just fine. If you have an old plastic kitchen spatula, that works too, and it won’t damage the gutters. Better yet, get a gutter cleaning robot to do the job for you!
4.Spread a tarp underneath your workspace to collect all the gutter gunk and protect your lawn and landscaping.
5.Once you’ve removed the debris from the gutters , use a garden hose to flush the gutters and downspouts and clear out any remaining debris. This will also show you if you have any leaks.
6.Once the gutters are clear, repair any sagging metal. You can do this by mounting a gutter hanger. Many gutter repairs are DIY jobs.
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Jessica Mcdade